Friday, December 12, 2008

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

After the overwhelming success of my last craft show I made the decision to keep making my bags for just one more year, and kinda hit it hard this last year attending every show I can... just to do it! I'd like to have a clean living room, and I am sure that before long... if my bags are as great as everyone tells me they are... it will catch on and Walmart will start making fake copies. :)

I knew this would happen, I am just glad I got to witness it.... and I wish I could read Italian! I was wasting time going through the stats on my Flickr account... it is fun to see where people click from. I found that I was in a blog. That's always fun!
See it here!
I feel a bit of pride in seeing this... almost as if I were the teacher....

Off to finish the bag I meant to post on here today.


Shirley said...
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Shirley said...

oh love your blog I'll pitch it on mine lol

Kathy said...

I can't make out anything she's saying. Guess living in Oxnard and our years of Spanish did nothing for me....WHAT IS SHE SAYING???? She creditd you, right? Did she say she really really wants an original by you and that you're amazing?